If you’re set to organize an academic event of any sort, be it a conference, a seminar, a symposium, a lecture, or otherwise, anywhere in Thailand, you’ll benefit greatly from adding your event to our listing. In order to add your event to our listing, simply click on the ‘Add Event’ option that is seen on the top menu bar of the homepage of the ConferenceinThailand.com website.
The Conference In Thailand platform offers conference organizers who wish to add their events to our listing, the opportunity to provide our users with as much additional information about their forthcoming events as they can offer. The additional information that you as a conference organizer can add, includes -

Event Description

  • Name
  • Event Title
  • Area of Interest
  • Topic
  • Sub-Topic

Event Venue

  • Enter Country
  • Enter State
  • Enter City
  • Venue Name
  • Venue Address

Event Organized By

  • Organization Name
  • Contact Person
  • Enter Email ID
  • Contact Number
  • Enter Web Address
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Number Of Days
As an organizer, you can offer the best possible description of what your event is going to be about. This section allows you to do exactly that - offer users of our platform a brief description of what they can expect from your upcoming event.
No, those conference organizers who wish to add their events to the Conference In Thailand platform can do so without having to pay any fees whatsoever. This platform is dedicated more to serving the academic community than profit-making.
Conference organizers can expect to see their events added to our listing within 12 hours of them submitting their request for the addition of their events.
Yes, all conference organizers have to do when they wish to modify, edit or append certain details that are a part of the initial event description provided by them, is log in to the event panel on the homepage of the ConferenceinThailand.com website, and then carry out the necessary modifications. To do so, you will first have to let us know of your intentions to begin promoting your listed event more by writing to us at info@conferenceinthailand.com. As soon as we receive your request, our team will respond to you with details about the following -
  • the additional conference promotion plans that we offer conference organizers who wish to promote their events to bigger audiences on our platform,
  • the promotional periods for each of these plans, etc.
As many as 50 upcoming events in Thailand can be added by a single conference organizer to our listing.